WIC foods are specifically selected for their high nutritional value as well as for their relatively low cost. Proof of Residency: Utility Bill, Rent Receipt, Lease Agreement.Proof of Income: Check Stub from last 30 Days, Current letter from employer (with phone number and address), Proof of Child Support, Social Security, Disability Award Letter, Medicaid Card, TANF, or SNAP/Food Stamps (for the applicant).Identification: Picture ID, Birth Certificate, Voter Registration Card, Social Security Card, Immunization Records, Birth Certificate, Driver’s License, Military ID, or Student ID.When you call the clinic, they will set your appointment time, date, and tell you what documents are needed.For locations call 210.207.4650 or review the chart below. Call your local WIC Clinic to make an appointment.You may attend any clinic you wish to attend.Įnrolling in your local WIC Program is really simple. citizenship is not a requirement for eligibility. Live in Texas: WIC clients usually receive services in the county where they live.Meet Household Income: Texas WIC Income Guidelines.Parents (including single mothers and fathers), step-parents, guardians, and foster parents of children under age 5.Breastfeeding woman (up to one year after delivery).Postpartum woman (up to six months after delivery).WIC continues to provide nutrition and breastfeeding assistance to WIC mothers. Once the initial portion of the application is approved, clients have the option of completing the remainder of the appointment in person or curbside. Appointments can be completed by phone or on line. WIC is still open and providing both in person and curbside services for both current and new participants.